
20 Ways For Stay At Home Moms To Save Money

A lot of stay-at-home moms are looking for ways to save money. Making ends meet can be difficult for some families when there is only one income. There are a lot of ways to cut corners and keep a hard time hard-earned money in the bank. I have listed 20 ideas that I hope will help you and your family.

  1. Accept hand-me-downs – Not everyone likes this idea. I know at least one person who refuses to put their children in second-hand clothing. I always graciously accepted clothes that a parent wanted to give away. Shop at goodwill stores or thrift stores. It would surprise you how you can find clothes that are new or like new.
  2. Pack lunches – The price of school lunches can add up quickly, especially if you have more than one child. I always struggled to come up with different foods that my children would enjoy eating. Pinterest has a lot of great ideas. Also, pack lunch for your spouse, or have them pack it. That will save so much money. My husband used to eat out every single workday, and it cost a fortune. Now that he has a different job, he has a refrigerator and ways to heat his food.
  3. Create a budget – Sticking to a budget is a great way for stay-at-home moms to save money. Sit down with your last three bank statements and see how your money is being spent. Make a list of your fixed and variable expenses. Subtract your expenses from your net income and see how much money is left. If you are spending more than you make, look at your variable bills and see if you can eliminate anything.
  4. Drop unnecessary expenses – My husband and I recently canceled our cable because we were never watching it. We do subscribe to Netflix, which is the only thing we watch. Set up a home gym instead of paying for a gym membership. You could also cancel your home phone number if you usually use your cell phone.
  5. Make a weekly menu around sales at your local grocery store. Grab the sales papers each week and sit down to plan your menu. My sister-in-law has the neatest board that she keeps on her refrigerator. It is a magnetic dry erase menu board from Amazon. If you like something smaller, I use a magnetic notepad. I can tear the pages off and use them for grocery shopping.
  6. Use generic – My husband would argue about this one. He loves to cook and always wants to use name brands. Try the generic items and see if they work for you and your family.
  7. Use money-saving apps – Many apps can save you money. We currently use Ibotta, Fetch Rewards, and Rukuten. I am sure there are others, but those are some of my favorites. I currently have the Rakuten app on my laptop and I use it every time I shop. They offer cashback from a large variety of stores. I recently saved $27 on a flower order by using the app!
  8. Make your morning coffee at home. Buy a coffee maker with a timer. You can program it before you go to bed every night, and it will be waiting for you when you wake up.
  9. Use grocery curbside pickup – If you are someone that has a hard time sticking to your list (like me), use curbside pickup. Not only is it convenient if you have kids, but it also keeps you out of the store.
  10. Monitor your automatic bill payment. – It’s easy to forget about the bills that are on autopay. Always check your bank account and make sure the right amount of money has been deducted. There could be an increase in your charges, or someone may have made a mistake and overcharged you.
  11. Consider buying solar panels or a geothermal heat pump. – According to Turbo Tax, alternative energy equipment in your homes, such as solar panels and geothermal heat pumps, can qualify you for a tax credit. However, this stops at the end of 2023.
  12. Remember to use your warranty – If a product breaks, cash in on the warranty. We have a great set of Henckel knives. We recently had two handles that cracked after many years of use. The company replaced both of them, no questions asked. I love that kind of customer service!
  13. Keep your car once you have finished paying for it. – Take the money you were using for your car payment and pay off another bill or put it in savings. As the saying goes, “Drive it until the wheels fall off.”. My husband’s truck has over 250 thousand miles on it. No, that is not a typing error. New cars have never been important to us. We take care of them and make them last as long as possible. His truck still looks great!
  14. Nix one habit – This is a hard one. Imagine how much a person could save if they gave up cigarettes or any other tobacco product. Or maybe you have a spending problem. Try your best to break the habit.
  15. Research the best month to buy certain products – For example, January is the best time to buy bedding and exercise equipment. February is the best time to buy TVs.
  16. Pay your bills on time and avoid late fees. – This isn’t always easy to do. Buy a calendar and write down every payment that you have. Always pay the bill on time if you have the money to pay it. Late fees can be so expensive.
  17. Negotiate your bills – Call some companies you do business with and ask for a lower rate. We have done this several times, and it usually works. They may give you $5 off of your bill, or they may offer more. You can try to negotiate almost anything that you purchase. Also, ask for lower rates when you go on vacation. Many hotels will give you a lower rate. Always remember to ask.
  18. Ask your bank to review your account. – Call your bank and make an appointment to go over your finances. They could have accounts that would be better for you and your family.
  19. Make an extra mortgage payment. – If you can afford to do it, make an extra payment every month. Be sure that they apply the payment to your principal and not your interest. You will pay your home off faster, and you will end up saving your family a lot of money. Adding an extra $25 will even help.
  20. Put money in savings. – Always try to add money to your savings account every week or month. It should be one of the first things that you do with each paycheck. Try to be prepared for any emergencies.

Search online, and you will find many free printables to help you plan your budget. There are also free printables for planning your weekly menus. Pinterest is a great place to start.

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